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Tracking Project Issues Using an Issue Management Methodology

Tracking Project Issues Using an Issue Management Methodology

When a problem or issue arises that has the potential to jeopardize a product or service's ability to be delivered on time or at a reasonable cost, it is known as an issue.

Some projects are still in progress, so the concept of an issue could be a bit different in certain cases. In the eyes of a help desk, a problem is anything that demands a response. When a customer calls in with a problem, the service staff logs it. Reports of software problems and improvement requests are kept on file by a group responsible for program maintenance.

There are a number of reasons why managing difficulties is critical to any project, product creation, or continuing service. Problem management will no longer be a distinct procedure but integrated into your bigger scoped techniques using this problem management approach.

Team members are often capable of identifying problems, but it is still necessary to have an accurate description of a problem.Keep in mind that the more ambitious your project, the more problems you'll encounter.

It is necessary to inform the project team about the problems, provide some instances, and solicit further examples from other members of the project team.


Because it is excellent for morale and productivity for team members to know that their concerns are being handled, a single repository of issue information is available to all team members. The management and reporting of issues are made considerably simpler with an automated central repository like Issue Tracker [].

It's time to get serious about keeping track of your problems.

The individual appointed to be in charge of all problems is known as an issue manager. It might be a project manager, a team leader, or someone else in a leadership role who is in charge of the project. The issue manager is in charge of ensuring that all problems are progressed in a systematic, disciplined manner. Upper management expects the issue manager to report on the status of all problems to them. It is the issue manager's responsibility to keep everyone informed about the status of the project.

The issue manager should be appointed and informed of their duties.

This is the best way to deal with concerns, according to best practices. It is important to remember, however, that the aim is to have a successful project, product development, or service.

Adapt the process in order to enhance the success of your project.

The third and last step

Discovering 3.1

Any moment may be a problem. When a problem is found, it is entered into a central database.

It is critical to enable a wide range of individuals, including team members, higher management, users, customers, stakeholders, suppliers, and contractors, to register complaints. It's critical because if there are obstacles in the way of reporting a problem, the problem is more likely to go unreported. In order to deal with difficulties, you must be aware of them. The more people you can grant access to the central repository, the better.

Provide those who need it with access to the central repository.

Creating a Record

Training individuals to detect concerns is typically unnecessary, but getting them to record the issue in the central repository will need some training and encouragement. Team members who bring up unrecorded concerns during coffee breaks or other informal gatherings may require some prodding from the project manager to have these issues entered into the central repository.

Preventing problems before they arise is always preferable to fixing them after they have occurred. Also, if problems are handled early on, they tend to be less serious than if they are ignored. When a problem is detected, it should be reported as soon as possible rather than waiting for it to become "bad enough." It is preferable to duplicate an issue or overlap an issue than it is to miss an issue altogether.

The central repository should provide a detailed explanation of the problem's root cause. Refrain from describing the problem in terms of a fix. There should be a record of any ramifications of the situation. Please provide any further information, such as screenshots, reports, faxes, error messages, or other material, that explains the problem.

It is possible for the person who is recording the problem to offer up a suggestion for a solution if they have one. This individual

Whenever feasible, the problem should be assigned as well, even if it is merely sent to the issue manager for re-assignment.

Initial records of issues should include status codes reflecting that they are new and have not been vetted, so they can be tracked back to their original source. The severity of the problem should also be categorized and ranked.

The issue's date of creation and the name of the person who developed it should be noted in the main repository. If you use an issue tracking system like Issue Tracker, this is done for you automatically.

It is common for teams to characterize problems in terms of what they want and to let others determine what the problem is. Because it restricts the range of potential creative solutions, this is not the ideal approach. "We need more people" is an example of a poorly phrased problem. Due to the lack of context provided, it's hard to identify the root cause of this problem. There is a risk of spoilage if the goods are not delivered in a timely manner if the shipping department overburdens us. The shipping department may be able to see how their activities are generating problems down the road and adjust their actions as a result.

First Impressions

During the first review, additional concerns are sorted out. The project's problem manager or one of his or her subordinates normally takes care of this task. If the group is small, the review may be held in one location with everyone in attendance. New issues are allocated to a person who may take action on them based on the issue's status (category and severity), as well as the person's name (optional).

In certain cases, the first evaluation is performed by the same person who records the problem, so the two processes may be combined into one.

Third-Party Verification of the Problem

The next step in the problem's development is decided. A new state has just been created. In the next state of the problem, we can see how and when we are going to take action to resolve it. Among these choices, it's either:

The problem will be dealt with immediately if it is open.

Action will be postponed until a later date.

Action will be handled by a different organization, most likely because the problem exceeds the scope of what is now being addressed.

Cancelled: no further action will be taken at this time or in the future.

Resolve the issue.

When the problem was initially noted, an effort was made to classify it. In the first evaluation, the category may now be fine-tuned as well.

When prioritizing the resources needed to handle problems, it helps to categorize the issues correctly. It's very handy for reporting.

Get together with your team and figure out what categories to utilize to classify the problems that may come up.

Rank the issue's severity.

The severity of the problem shows the significance of resolving it. Naturally, you want to prioritize the most critical concerns before addressing the less critical ones.

Select a limited number of severity codes with a distinct rating as a single action item. Consider the terms: insignificant, common, significant, and critical. Low, medium, high, and very high are all options for some folks.

It's time to do your homework.

A problem must be allocated and communicated to the person who will take action on it next from the outset. In the event of a problem, the person assigned to the issue will be notified through email.

It is possible to assign an issue to a specific party so that they may collect the information needed to complete the problem description.

Rather than a group, assign a single individual. It has been shown that allocating problems to specific people encourages more responsibility than doing so in groups. Confronting a group is considerably more difficult than confronting an individual about their lack of development. You may assign an issue to a group leader, who will take action to reassign the problem to the proper member of the group who will really solve the issue. Thus, a group can be represented by a leader.


A stakeholder's ownership of the problem should be clear. It is important to have an issue owner in order to keep track of who is responsible for resolving the problem.

In order to make headway toward a settlement, owners must examine the challenges they own. The problem manager should be informed if the progress is not adequate so that the situation may be corrected.

Making a Plan of Action

When a problem is addressed, the following procedures are repeated until it is resolved.

The person tasked with resolving the problem actually does something about it.

In the central repository, the person assigned to the problem records the action taken as an issue event. The name, date, and specifics of the action taken are all included in a single problem occurrence.

Prior to taking any further action, an approval step may be required in some problem procedures. Signing off on a plan is the best way to get this permission. An automated system is preferable to paper signatures. Users must log in to Issue Tracker [] before they may sign out, although this is equivalent to signing a document by hand.

It is common practice to attach supporting files to issues before taking action, such as a cost-benefit analysis of a planned system change.

Finding a solution may assist in refining the problem description throughout the course of the search. The issue description and title should be updated, as well as the attachment of additional supporting materials, to reflect this modification. As a result, the problem may need to be re-categorized.

The problem is reassigned if someone else is in charge of the next iteration.

If the problem has been fixed, the status will be changed to indicate that the issue is no longer active.

Reassigning the problem, modifying the status, clarifying the description of the issue, or changing the category of the issue may all be part of the action performed. All of these changes should be documented in one place. Automated systems like Issue Tracker [] automatically track changes in status, category, and severity.

Constant Monitoring

In order to bring problems to a conclusion, the issue manager and the rest of the team must conduct regular and thorough evaluations. This can be achieved by conducting a regular team-wide and stakeholder-specific review of all open problems in the central repository.

When necessary, change the owner of an issue or reassign it to a higher level of responsibility.

Progress on all problems should be reported and communicated both to higher management as well as to the team, and subscriptions may be used to monitor specific issues. This information may be included in the project status report.

Analyze the development of the problem and adjust your activities accordingly. Ideally, the central repository should be able to offer information on how quickly concerns are resolved. The issue manager must discover strategies to speed up the resolution of critical problems if they are taking too long to handle.


The following is a list of additional tasks that need to be completed.

Make sure all team members and stakeholders get a copy of this issue management approach so they are aware of how and why problems are addressed.

Adapt and scale this problem management process to fit your project's size and peculiarities as an action item.

To-do: Set up a central repository and begin working on it right now.

This approach to problem solving has developed over the course of many years. When working on projects with budgets ranging from $500,000 to $50,000,000, it grew from the experience of dealing with hundreds to thousands of challenges in total. Project teams were spread across numerous nations in half of the instances.

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