How to Become an Author Who Makes Money
How to Become an Author Who Makes Money
Achieving success in the publishing industry, let alone competing effectively with the "big players" like Simon & Schuster, may be difficult. When Geela, the author of the bestseller THE American Dream, tells her story, you'll understand why she believes in the magic formula for success. Geela's latest book is all about mastering the art of the feasible, and her message is that the achievable always outperforms the impossible.
Nobody, even the "big guys" (publishing houses), is immune to failure and even bankruptcy, and it's not because they lack resources but because they don't have a long-term vision and fail to keep up with the inevitable changes. As a result, too many companies have a "one size fits all" approach to marketing and promotion, which inhibits innovative thinking (thinking outside the box) that is essential for surviving and thriving in today's dynamic and constantly changing business environment. Consequently, many companies are unable to keep up with their competitors and remain relevant.
According to Geela's experience as a self-funded and self-published author, any publishing firm, regardless of size or circumstances, may achieve better success by using the following success principles that worked for her company, Global Vision Media:
When it comes to success or failure, it's not your ability but your attitude that makes the difference, not your aptitude. In the end, success is a question of perspective and an equal-opportunity workplace. When you set your mind to anything, you can achieve whatever you set your heart to. So don't be frightened to set your sights high. Let the tales of The Little Engine That Could and David and Goliath motivate you to do better. David, on the other hand, believed that Goliath was too huge for him to miss. Dreams and goals for achievement have no expiry date; they are self-imposed artificial deadlines that destroy inspiration and creativity in the background without your knowledge. It is not a lack of money but rather a lack of imagination (resourcefulness), a clear goal, and a strong belief in your ability to succeed (remember, quitters never win and winners never quit).
Believing in anything is not the same as believing in yourself, and believing in yourself is the only thing that can ever give you true control over your life. It's also important to know the difference between making things happen and letting things happen so that you can produce the resources you need for success, even when the odds are stacked against you. Because conventional distribution and bookshops bury your book among other competing titles on their shelves, you no longer have to wait. If you want to compete and even outperform the "big people," all you have to do is harness the incredible power of contemporary technology, which is now accessible to the "small man." Anything is possible for those who believe, as any self-made millionaire or billionaire will tell you. Marketing and advertising should be approached like a kaleidoscope: there are only so many parts, but there are unlimited permutations and possibilities only by rearranging them. Imagination and willpower are the only things that restrict you. If you're serious about making it to your goal of easy sailing into a new world of wealth and glory, avoid using the Christopher Columbus style of company planning.
Planned failure is the result of poor planning. It is impossible to stress the importance of strategic planning underpinned by a robust infrastructure—it is what makes or kills your business, no matter how good your product is (book). A well-thought-out synergetic strategy will operate as a compass to direct your activities, assess your performance, and increase the profitability of your organization. A circus juggler's agility is required for a successful marketing strategy because of the varied life-cycle stages of each title at any given moment. Since Geela is a well-known singer/songwriter, her nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD (dedicated to promoting world peace with a focus on children's issues), is putting together an all-star benefit concert with major music producers as part of its mission to promote world peace.
One Spirit, One World is a non-profit organization she founded with her husband. She also founded a successful record label called Global Vision Records and an up and coming publishing firm called Global Vision Books/Media with her husband. Geela is also a mother and a wife, which adds another layer of excitement to her life. Try to use your strengths to compensate for a perceived lack of sales or finances (especially when you are starting out). By any measure, Geela's circumstances are out of the ordinary. The fact that she was able to combine her passions for music, books, and a non-profit organization was a major factor in her success. Marketing and promotion should be broadened to accommodate a wide range of people, from ethnic and military groups to other hitherto unexplored areas. The fact that Geela was born in Iran and immigrated to Israel as a child allowed her to connect with a wide range of people, including ethnic minorities, women, and immigrants.
Everything from an inventive strategic marketing strategy to a coordinated program, including the following parts, must be embedded into your infrastructure. In addition to a national media campaign, a complete marketing and promotional strategy includes a variety of advertising options in important locations. Modern on-line advertising and promotion with your own user-friendly web presence (links, pop-up banner, affiliate program, ezine newsletter, direct response with a compelling sales letter, article submission, media e-mail blast to keep your name in front of the media with different press releases, samples of products, plenty of endorsements, media room, useful information, strong search engines, just to name a few) The company's sales projections Planned finances In order to create credibility, have your book reviewed and endorsed in advance by well-known figures in the media, book reviewers, and best-selling writers.
For Geela's radio interviews, she picked a number that is simple to remember (800) 99GEELA Use promotional and entertaining materials like posters and bookmarks in addition to the necessary information in your press kit to make it stand out from the rest. Promotional and marketing plans for non-bookstore markets (special sales/premiums/incentives) and sub-rights and foreign rights, especially if your book is slanted toward a movie, are the most lucrative sources for substantial revenues and profitability because you bypass the middlemen, massive discounts, and have reduced returns. To be successful, you'll need a team of individuals who share your passion for the project and are equally committed to seeing it through to fruition. This is known as a "dream team," and it's critical to have one in place. Harmony and camaraderie are more likely to be found in a group. In order to battle the inevitable "marketing weariness" while keeping yourself engaged, you need to develop more information and ideas. The phrase "when I help others win, I win" might help you become a magnet for success and ultimate wealth.
Events such as speaking and/or running for office (at least for a day) are just some of the creative ways authors may promote their books (well, at least in theory, you can make the attempt...). Again, the only constraint is your own creativity. At the very least, it's possible to get a head start on a promotional campaign by employing a direct response that can place your book on the Amazon bestseller list. With this, you'll be able to unlock numerous doors and get to your goal a lot quicker and with style. Make up for a lack of financial resources by using OPM, but not the usual OPM, but rather Other People's Minds, through networking, exchanging current knowledge, forming and cultivating partnerships, and undertaking extensive research while establishing and nurturing relationships. Remember that information is a powerful tool that may give you a leg up on the competition. In addition to being cost-free, it generates new possibilities for development and becomes an immediate success and wealth magnet. The seed of money is service. Therefore, constantly go the additional mile to deliver the finest quality product and service.
In the end, the length and degree of success of any marketing and promotion strategy will be determined by the quality of the book. The book, The American Dream, written by Geela, is widely regarded because it provides something that everyone craves: hope and direction. Indeed, Geela is rewriting the rules of success, wealth, and even global unification with her Principles for Successful Living. In other words, you can count on something to remain in high demand for the foreseeable future.
Geela's inspiring narrative of overcoming hardship and succeeding in the face of overwhelming odds best exemplifies the genuine spirit of the American Dream, which was built on hard work, ingenuity, and a willingness to take calculated risks in order to reap the rewards. Of course, her meteoric rise to fame (which took barely twenty years) may be attributed to nothing more than good fortune or innate ability. However, it's possible that a better way to describe chance is to say that it happens when effort meets opportunity. After all, if you don't know where you're going, you're more likely to wind yourself on a road to nowhere than if you do.
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